Corporate Human Factors


Who IsIt For?

Lean Six Sigma, Scrum Agile, SAFE Agile, Kaizen, Shingo Model, Quality Circles, Total Quality Management, ISO, DevOps, OKR’s Executives, Directors, Managers, Project Teams, and anyone who leads or is a member of a team that operates in dynamic situations.

In General

Business/Operational excellence programs, Asset performance management (APM) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). All point to improvement in operational performance as the key driver for investment in those two areas.

However, it is now known that 80% of problems in an organization, such as on the deck of a ship, in an operating room, in an airplane cockpit, but also between executives, managers and project teams, result from excessive stress and fatigue. , lack of communication and bad judgment at the right time.

It is important to realize that Human Factors is much more than the performance of people, executives, managers and project team members at a given time.

The Problem

Even those who have an idea of what Operational Excellence looks like for their business, they still run the risk of making critical mistakes when trying to capture this definition and communicate it to the entire organization.

It becomes more difficult under pressure, as it is a fact that people tend to change from established rules and best practices to behaviors that are sometimes difficult to explain.


The solution lies in establishing and maintaining mental models which are applied by high-performance teams in industries such as aviation, diving, military, the oil and nuclear industry, and healthcare.

Our trainings make behavior easier to observe and help to understand the causal factors of human behavior.

Through analysis of the behaviors of the participants, we achieve the transformation and consolidation of the groups.

Task Analysis and the corresponding systems of behavioral indicators have already been developed and validated in the aforementioned industries.

We adapt the basic structure of these powerful behavioral indicators to fit specific teamwork scenarios and customize them for different people and work environments.

Other Services

Speaking Engagements



Marketing & Sales Consultancy & Training


HITL Simulation Retreats